
時間 2021-05-05 18:34:10


語文; 生物;政治;地理;體育;經濟學;心理學;會計學;電腦科學;工程學

墨西哥 墨西哥人;西班牙 西班牙人;德國 德國人;瑞士 瑞士人;義大利 義大利人;瑞典 瑞典人;俄羅斯 俄羅斯人;加拿大 加拿大人;埃及 埃及人;


chinese ;biology; political; geography; sports; economics; psychology; accounting; computer science; engineering

mexicans in mexico; spain spaniards; people germany; switzerland swiss; italian italian people; sweden sweden; people russia and russia; canadian canadian; egypt egyptians;

chicago; los angeles; washington, dc; berlin; athens; sydney; moscow; rome; macau; tibet


chinese; biology; politics; geography; sports; economic; psychology; accounting; computer science; engineering mexico mexican; spain spanish; germany german; switzerland swiss; italian italian; sweden swede; russia russian; canada canadian; egypt egyptian; chicago; los angeles; washington d.c.; berlin; athens; sydney; moscow; rome; macao; tibet


biology; political; geography; sports; economics; psychology; accounting; computer science; engineering

mexicans in mexico; spain spaniards; people germany; switzerland swiss; italian italian people; sweden sweden; people russia and russia; canadian canadian; egypt egyptians;

chicago; los angeles; washington, dc; berlin; athens; sydney; moscow; rome; macau; tibet


證據 evidence普通用法 proof不正式 testimony attestation後兩個都較正式 假設 suppose動詞,in case of,on the assumption that,hypothesis名詞 舉例說明 illustrate動詞,for example 獨特 uni...


1.instead of 2.stands for 3.no one 4.also two 5.take part in the exam 6.grandpa wang does well in telling story.7.please remember to put away the toys...


難道是我錯了嗎?為什麼 我該怎麼選擇呢。贊同樓上 火槍連擊007 的翻譯 只是 24 裡的 擺脫世界金融危機 直接翻會有點怪 用overcome the global financial crisis或者overcome the impact of the global financial cris...