關於英語介紹朋友的作文,請問,介紹身邊的好朋友英語作文要怎麼寫?謝謝 10

時間 2021-06-08 00:15:35




my friend’s name is lily. she is my deskmate. she has long hair, black eyes

and a beautiful looking. she is not too tall or too short. it is well-known that

she is kind and nice, because she always help other people. of course, she helps

me a lot. she is good at study, especially in english. because she lives near my

home, we often go to school and go home together. we also do homework and play

together. we are good friends forever.

請問,介紹身邊的好朋友英語作文要怎麼寫?謝謝 10


作文題目直接寫my good firend ,然後寫my food firend is shy……等等,性格什麼的,寫個名字



寫介紹好朋友的英語作文 她的中文名叫王玲,英文名叫Ros

1926 美國化學家,獲得2004年諾貝爾化學獎。billy rose 比利 羅斯 1899 1966 美國樂團指揮及歌曲作者,作品有 瘋狂的棉被 等。 rose,讀音是 r uz 女生的英文名 要全 伏魔半仙人 非常好聽的女生英文名,每種都代表一種風格,你屬於哪種?包含四月的英文名 女生的英文名 ...

英語口語作文 介紹朋友,用英語介紹自己的好朋友

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