
時間 2021-08-11 17:00:20


1.lucy did not forget the old man who helped her.

2.those are photos which i took in beijing.

3.the book whose cover is red belongs to him.

4.do you know the boy who is drinking water?


1.lucy did(does) not forget the old man who helped(helps) her .前後語態要一致。

2.those are the photos that i take in beijing .

3.the book which has a red cover belongs to him.

4. do you know the boy who is drinking water?


1.lucy did not forget to help the old man lucy沒有忘記幫助過自己的那位老人。

2.those are the pictures i took in beijing 那些是我在北京拍的**。

3.this book is red belongs to him 這本封面是紅色的書屬於他

4.do you know the man who is drinking boy 你認識那個正在喝水的男孩嗎


1.lucy didn't forget the old man who had helped her.

2.those are the photos that i taked in beijing.

3.the book whose cover is red belongs to him.

4.do you know the boy who is drinking?


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