
時間 2021-08-30 10:55:30


材料分析測試方法 material analysis test method

彈性與塑性力學基礎 the basis of flexibility and plasticity

工程訓練(電子工藝實習) engineering training (electronic technology intern)

機械設計基礎 mechanical design basis

機械設計基礎課程設計 mechanical design based on the curriculum design

金屬學及熱處理原理 metal science and the principle of metal heat treatment

熱加工傳輸原理 thermal processing transmission principle

材料成型cad/cae/cam molding material cad / cae / cam

材料成型過程測量與控制 material molding process measurement and control

材料成型理論基礎 the basis of theory for material forming

材料成型方法及質量控制 material forming methods and quality control

材料成型機電一體化 forming materials electromechanical integration

材料成型模具設計 mold design material

材料成型綜合實驗 comprehensive experimental material molding

工程訓練(金工實習) engineering training (metalworking practice)

機械加工工藝基礎 machining technology foundation

金屬力學效能 mechanical properties of metal

形式邏輯 formal logic


material analysis test method

the basis of flexibility and plasticity

engineering training (electronic technology intern)

mechanical design basis

mechanical design based on the curriculum design

and the principle of metal heat treatment

thermal processing transmission principle

molding material cad / cae / cam

material molding process measurement and control

material forming the basis of theory

material forming methods and quality control

forming materials electromechanical integration

mold design material

comprehensive experimental material molding

engineering training (metalworking practice)

machining technology foundation

mechanical properties of metal

formal logic





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我一下子只能感覺到腹部傳來的銳痛 這疼痛太過劇烈以至於讓我呼吸困難。這真是我正在恢復的創傷的造成的麼?囧,我覺得最後半拉有點偏了。但是我看得懂意思就是不知道怎麼說利索了。大概意思就是說話的人在質疑是不是他以前受的 但是現在正處在恢復中 的傷的一部分造成了前半句說的這個劇痛。all i could f...