
時間 2021-10-27 21:03:14


my name is lu ming. i like english very much and iam good at math.

there are 3 person in my family, my father ,my mother and me. my father is a teacher in a middle school. he go to work by bike.

and my mother is a singer, she sings very good songs. i like them very much.

i am a middle school student, i always go to school by bus.


hello, everyone! i want to tell you something about my family. my name's lu ming.

i'm a student in no.2 middle school. i go to school on foot every day because it isn't far from my home.

and my father is a policeman. he is always busy working. he goes to work by car.

my mother is a doctor, she likes to ride a bike. she thinks it is good for her health.


my name is lu ming , i am 14 years old .there are 4 people in my family : my father , my mother , my sister and i .

my father is a worker , he goes to work by bike .my mother is a doctor,she goes to work by bike , too . my sister and me are students , we go to school take a taxi.



li ming hello!jack.jack hello!li ming.li ming what is this in english?jack it is a watch.li ming what color is it?jack it s pink.顏色可以自己選。li ming tank ...


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