
時間 2021-05-05 20:53:25



select min(id) as 序號,max(dept) as 部門,

sum(case when zt='01' or zt='02' then pay else 0 end) as 合計,

sum(case zt when 01 then 1 else 0 end) as 個數01狀態,

sum(case zt when 02 then 1 else 0 end) as 個數02狀態,

count(zt) as 總數

from aac

group by dept


select min(id) as 序號,

max(dept) as 部門,

sum(pay) as 合計,

sum(case zt when '01' then 1 else 0 end) as 個數01狀態,

sum(case zt when '02' then 1 else 0 end) as 個數02狀態,

count(zt) as 總數

from 表名

group by dept



還是 zjwssg提醒,但最後兩個sum中when後面,建議還是加單引號吧


select min(id) as 序號,

max(dept) as 部門,

sum(case when zt='01' or zt='02' then pay else 0 end) as 合計,

sum(case zt when '01' then 1 else 0 end) as 個數01狀態,

sum(case zt when '02' then 1 else 0 end) as 個數02狀態,

count(zt) as 總數

from 表名

group by dept


select dept as 部門,sum(pay) as 合計,sum(case zt when '01'then 1 else 0 end) as 個數(01狀態),

sum(case zt when '02'then 1 else 0 end) as 個數(02狀態),count(*) as 總數

from 表 group by dept




row_number() over(order by a.dept) 序號,

a.dept 部門,






(select dept,sum(pay) 合計 from t where zt='01' or zt='02' group by dept) a,

(select dept,count(pay) 個數01 from t where zt='01' group by dept) b,

(select dept,count(pay) 個數02 from t where zt='02' group by dept) c,

(select dept,count(pay) 總數 from t group by dept) d

where a.dept=b.dept and b.dept=c.dept and c.dept=d.dept



row_number() over(order by dept) 序號,

dept as 部門,

sum(case when zt='01' or zt='02' then pay else 0 end) 合計,

sum(case when zt='01' then 1 else 0 end) as 個數01狀態,

sum(case when zt='02' then 1 else 0 end) as 個數02狀態,

count(*) as 總數

from t

group by dept


如果你用的是sql server可以:

select 序號=identity(int,1,1),dept as 部門,sun(pay) as 合計,sum(case when zt='01' then 1 else 0 end) as 個數01狀態,sum(case when zt='02' then 1 else 0 end) as 個數02狀態,count(*) as 總數 into #tmp_total from yourtablename group by dept

select * from #tmp_total 就得到你要的效果了你要說是在什麼資料庫下,資料庫不同寫法也是有一定差別的


create table tb (id int,dept varchar(10),pay int,zt int)

insert tb select 1,'辦公室',20,1

union all select 2,'局領導',10,2

union all select 3,'辦公室',40,3

union all select 4,'局領導',10,1

union all select 5,'辦公室',50,1

union all select 6,'局領導',10,2

union all select 7,'辦公室',20,2

union all select 8,'局領導',10,2

select identity(int,1,1) as 序號,

dept as 部門,

sum(case when zt='01' or zt='02' then pay else 0 end) 合計,

sum(case when zt='1' then 1 else 0 end) 個數01狀態,

sum(case when zt='2' then 1 else 0 end) 個數02狀態,

count(*) as 總數 into #temp from tb group by dept

select * from #temp


select a.dept,a.pay,c.[01],c.[02],b.ztnum


(select dept,sum(pay) as pay from table_1 where zt in(01,02) group by dept

)aleft join

(select dept,count(zt) as ztnum from table_1 group by dept

) bon a.dept=b.dept

left join

(select *


(select dept,zt,count(zt) as ztnum from table_1 where zt in(01,02) group by dept,zt)a



for a.zt in ([01],[02])

) as tpivot

) con b.dept=c.dept


greate table insert selce filetad,name,calss,form student sql簡單查詢語句 1 首先開啟資料庫,建立好表。2 然後查詢全體教師的教師號 姓名 職稱,並分別為三列指定別名 教師號 姓名 職稱,如下圖所示。3 查詢結果如下圖所示。4 接著查詢所...

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