
時間 2021-06-19 02:00:21


option explicit

public t as integer, str asstring

public h as integer, m asinteger, s as integer

private subshow_led(pictimer as picturebox, str as string)


dim s as string * 1

dim pos as integer

dim n as integer

dim i as integer

for i = 1 to len(str)

s = mid(str, i, 1)

n = -1

select case s

case "0" to "9"

n = cint(s)

case ":"

n = 10

case "-"

n = 11

case "."

n = 12

case "a", "a"

n = 13

case "p", "p"

n = 14

case " "

n = 15

end select

if n <> -1 then

pictimer.paintpicturepctimer.graphiccell(n), pos, 0

pos = pos + 300

end if


end sub

private subcmdrestart_click() '秒錶的回零

h = 0

m = 0

s = 0

str = ""

cmdstart.caption = "開始"

timer1.enabled = false: str ="00:00:00"

clscall show_led(pictimer, str)

end sub

private sub cmdstart_click()'秒錶的開始和暫停控制

if cmdstart.caption = "開始" then

h = 0

m = 0

s = 0

cmdstart.caption = "暫停"

timer1.enabled = true

cmdrestart.enabled = false

exit sub

elseif cmdstart.caption = "暫停" then

cmdstart.caption = "繼續"

timer1.enabled = false

cmdrestart.enabled = true

exit sub


cmdstart.caption = "暫停"

timer1.enabled = true

cmdrestart.enabled = false

exit sub

end if

end sub

private sub form_load() '窗體載入

call mnuclock_click

end sub

private sub mnuclock_click()'時鐘



timer1.enabled = false

timer2.enabled = false

cmdstart.visible = false

cmdrestart.visible = false

frmtimer.caption = "時鐘"

timer3.enabled = true

pictimer.visible = true

clsend sub

private submnucuntdwnclock_click() '倒計時



timer1.enabled = false

timer3.enabled = false

cmdstart.visible = false

cmdrestart.visible = false

frmset.visible = true

frmtimer.caption = "倒計時鐘"

pictimer.visible = true

end sub

private sub mnuexit_click()'退出選項

unload frmtimer: unload frmset

end sub

private sub mnustopwatch_click()'秒錶



timer1.enabled = false

timer2.enabled = false

timer3.enabled = false

cmdstart.visible = true

cmdrestart.visible = true

frmtimer.caption = "秒錶"

pictimer.visible = true

end sub

private sub timer1_timer() '秒錶計時過程

str = ""

s = s + 1

if s = 100 then '秒錶數字顯示的處理

s = 0

m = m + 1

if m = 60 then

m = 0

h = h + 1

if h = 24 then

h = 0

end if

end if

end if

if h < 10 then '數字顯示格式的處理

str = str & 0 & h

else: str = str & h

end if

if m < 10 then

str = str & ":" & 0 &m

else: str = str & ":" & m

end if

if s < 10 then

str = str & ":" & 0 &s

else: str = str & ":" & s

end if

clscall show_led(pictimer, str)

end sub

private subtimer2_timer() '倒計時計時過程


str = ""

t = h * 3600 + m * 60 + s

if t >= 1 then

s = s - 1

if s = -1 then

s = 59

m = m - 1

end if

if m = -1 then

m = 59

h = h - 1

end if

if h < 10 then

str = str & "0" & h


str = str & ":" & h

end if

if m < 10 then

str = str & ":" &"0" & m


str = str & ":" & m

end if

if s < 10 then

str = str & ":" &"0" & s


str = str & ":" & s

end if

clscall show_led(pictimer, str)


pictimer.visible = false

clsfrmtimer.print "時間到"

timer2.enabled = false

end if

end sub

private sub timer3_timer() '時鐘顯示過程

str = cstr(now)

call show_led(pictimer, str)

clsend sub

option explicit

private subcmdcuntstart_click()

frmtimer.h = val(txtinput(0))

frmtimer.m = val(txtinput(1))

frmtimer.s = val(txtinput(2))

if frmtimer.h + frmtimer.m + frmtimer.s = 0then

call msgbox("輸入錯誤,請重新輸入", 48,"多功能計時器")


frmtimer.timer2.enabled = true

unload frmset

end if

end sub






commandbutton * 2

picturebox * 1

pictureclip(注:**剪下控制元件) * 1

timer * 3


frmtimer 的**

option explicit

public t as integer, str as string

public h as integer, m as integer, s as integer

private sub show_led(pictimer as picturebox, str as string)


dim s as string * 1

dim pos as integer

dim n as integer

dim i as integer

for i = 1 to len(str)

s = mid(str, i, 1)

n = -1

select case s

case "0" to "9"

n = cint(s)

case ":"

n = 10

case "-"

n = 11

case "."

n = 12

case "a", "a"

n = 13

case "p", "p"

n = 14

case " "

n = 15

end select

if n <> -1 then

pictimer.paintpicture pctimer.graphiccell(n), pos, 0

pos = pos + 300

end if


end sub

private sub cmdrestart_click() '秒錶的回零

h = 0

m = 0

s = 0

str = ""

cmdstart.caption = "開始"

timer1.enabled = false: str = "00:00:00"

clscall show_led(pictimer, str)

end sub

private sub cmdstart_click() '秒錶的開始和暫停控制

if cmdstart.caption = "開始" then

h = 0

m = 0

s = 0

cmdstart.caption = "暫停"

timer1.enabled = true

cmdrestart.enabled = false

exit sub

elseif cmdstart.caption = "暫停" then

cmdstart.caption = "繼續"

timer1.enabled = false

cmdrestart.enabled = true

exit sub


cmdstart.caption = "暫停"

timer1.enabled = true

cmdrestart.enabled = false

exit sub

end if

end sub

private sub form_load() '窗體載入

call mnuclock_click

end sub

private sub mnuclock_click() '時鐘



timer1.enabled = false

timer2.enabled = false

cmdstart.visible = false

cmdrestart.visible = false

frmtimer.caption = "時鐘"

timer3.enabled = true

pictimer.visible = true

clsend sub

private sub mnucuntdwnclock_click() '倒計時



timer1.enabled = false

timer3.enabled = false

cmdstart.visible = false

cmdrestart.visible = false

frmset.visible = true

frmtimer.caption = "倒計時鐘"

pictimer.visible = true

end sub

private sub mnuexit_click() '退出選項

unload frmtimer: unload frmset

end sub

private sub mnustopwatch_click() '秒錶



timer1.enabled = false

timer2.enabled = false

timer3.enabled = false

cmdstart.visible = true

cmdrestart.visible = true

frmtimer.caption = "秒錶"

pictimer.visible = true

end sub

private sub timer1_timer() '秒錶計時過程

str = ""

s = s + 1

if s = 100 then '秒錶數字顯示的處理

s = 0

m = m + 1

if m = 60 then

m = 0

h = h + 1

if h = 24 then

h = 0

end if

end if

end if

if h < 10 then '數字顯示格式的處理

str = str & 0 & h

else: str = str & h

end if

if m < 10 then

str = str & ":" & 0 & m

else: str = str & ":" & m

end if

if s < 10 then

str = str & ":" & 0 & s

else: str = str & ":" & s

end if

clscall show_led(pictimer, str)

end sub

private sub timer2_timer() '倒計時計時過程


str = ""

t = h * 3600 + m * 60 + s

if t >= 1 then

s = s - 1

if s = -1 then

s = 59

m = m - 1

end if

if m = -1 then

m = 59

h = h - 1

end if

if h < 10 then

str = str & "0" & h


str = str & ":" & h

end if

if m < 10 then

str = str & ":" & "0" & m


str = str & ":" & m

end if

if s < 10 then

str = str & ":" & "0" & s


str = str & ":" & s

end if

clscall show_led(pictimer, str)


pictimer.visible = false

clsfrmtimer.print "時間到"

timer2.enabled = false

end if

end sub

private sub timer3_timer() '時鐘顯示過程

str = cstr(now)

call show_led(pictimer, str)

clsend sub


text * 3

commandbuton * 1

label * 3


frmset 的**

option explicit

private sub cmdcuntstart_click()

frmtimer.h = val(txtinput(0))

frmtimer.m = val(txtinput(1))

frmtimer.s = val(txtinput(2))

if frmtimer.h + frmtimer.m + frmtimer.s = 0 then

call msgbox("輸入錯誤,請重新輸入", 48, "多功能計時器")


frmtimer.timer2.enabled = true

unload frmset

end if

end sub


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