
時間 2021-07-01 01:21:25


private sub text1_change()dim s as string, m as stringfor i = 1 to len(text1.text)m = lcase(mid(text1.text, i, 1))if asc(m) >= 97 and asc(m) <= 122 then

s = s & asc(m) - 96


s = s & m

end if


text2.text = s

end sub


private sub text1_keypress(keyascii as integer)

if keyascii > 64 and keyascii < 91 then

text2 = text2 & keyascii - 64

elseif keyascii > 96 and keyascii < 123 then

text2 = text2 & keyascii - 96

elseif keyascii > 47 and keyascii < 58 then

text2 = text2 & keyascii - 48

end if

end sub


private sub text1_change()for i = 1 to len(text1)t = mid(text1, i, 1)

if asc(ucase(t)) >= 65 then t = ltrim(str(asc(ucase(t)) - 64))

s = s & t


text2 = s

end sub


text2.text = replace(text1.text, "a", "1")

text2.text = replace(text2.text, "b", "2")

text2.text = replace(text2.text, "c", "3")

text2.text = replace(text2.text, "d", "4")

text2.text = replace(text2.text, "e", "5")

text2.text = replace(text2.text, "f", "6")

text2.text = replace(text2.text, "g", "7")

text2.text = replace(text2.text, "h", "8")

text2.text = replace(text2.text, "i", "9")

text2.text = replace(text2.text, "j", "10")

text2.text = replace(text2.text, "k", "11")

text2.text = replace(text2.text, "l", "12")

text2.text = replace(text2.text, "m", "13")

text2.text = replace(text2.text, "n", "14")

text2.text = replace(text2.text, "o", "15")

text2.text = replace(text2.text, "p", "16")

text2.text = replace(text2.text, "q", "17")

text2.text = replace(text2.text, "r", "18")

text2.text = replace(text2.text, "s", "19")

text2.text = replace(text2.text, "t", "20")

text2.text = replace(text2.text, "u", "21")

text2.text = replace(text2.text, "v", "22")

text2.text = replace(text2.text, "w", "23")

text2.text = replace(text2.text, "x", "24")

text2.text = replace(text2.text, "y", "25")

text2.text = replace(text2.text, "z", "26")


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