漢譯英 張女士正在瀋陽參加會議,過幾天我會提供更為詳細的報告

時間 2022-10-16 03:25:07


ms. zhang is now at a conference in shenyang. i will provide more specific report in a couple of days.


ms zhang is attending a meeting in shenyang now. detailed information will be offered in a few days.


ms zhang is attending a conference in shenyang, and i will send you detailed report in a few days.


for ms. zhang is attending the meeting in shenyang, i will provide more detailed report in a few days.


as ms. zhang is attendinig the meeting in shenyang these days, the more detailed reporti will be offered in a few days.(用for 是不對的,for 表示原因不能置於句首)


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