誰有walking in the sun的歌詞,是刀仔唱的

時間 2021-06-11 15:19:57


walking in the sun in around and around


i can believe love at is around


walking in the sun in around and around and around


walking in the sun in around and around and around


and the lander or chorer check to want a stair


how too fun the better place


every boys and girls are looking for a chance


and the music starts to play


wow........get to be this way


wow........you are one for me


walking in the sun in around and around


i can believe love at is around


walking in the sun in around and around and around


look at try for me


walking in the sun in around and around


walking in the sun in around and around


walking in the sun in around and around and around...


with two changes together body in the ***


bady you need tell know me


every boys and girls are looking for a manner


to remember everyday



《walking in the sun》

歌詞:i was walking along in the sun

taking pictures of everyone

and there′s something on the tip of my tongue

oh oh oh oh

well it′s easy to see from the far

and it′s easy to be on your guard

but it′s harder just to be who you are

oh oh oh oh

when all these people who will lead you down

the back of the track

they′re on your back

they will try and tear you apart

but believe and you will see

that there′s no reason to doubt

then you will find

you can do much better than that

if you think of all the things that you feel

all the voices in your head that you hear

it′s a mystery that we are all still holding on

when all these people who will lead you down

the back of the track

they′re on your back

they will try and tear you apart

but believe and you will see

that there′s no reason to doubt

then you will find

you can do much better than that

if you see me hit the ground

don′t come near, don′t make a sound

i was walking along in the sun

taking pictures of everyone

and there′s something on the tip of my tongue


i was walking along in the sun

taking pictures of everyone

and there's something on the tip of my tongue

oh oh oh oh

well it's easy to see from the far

and it's easy to be on your guard

but it's harder just to be who you are

oh oh oh oh

when all these people who will lead you down

the back of the track

they're on your back

they will try and tear you apart

but believe and you will see

that there's no reason to doubt

then you will find

you can do much better than that

if you think of all the things that you feel

all the voices in your head that you hear

it's a mystery that we are all still holding on

when all these people who will lead you down

the back of the track

they're on your back

they will try and tear you apart

but believe and you will see

that there's no reason to doubt

then you will find

you can do much better than that

if you see me hit the ground

don't come near, don't make a sound

i was walking along in the sun

taking pictures of everyone

and there's something on the tip of my tongue


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