
時間 2021-07-14 23:17:30



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like to move it

[00:00.08]i like to move it, move it!

[00:02.19]i like to move it, move it!

[00:03.87]i like to move it, move it!

[00:05.83]ya like to (「move it」!)

[00:15.55]all girls all over the world,

[00:17.58]original king julien pon ya case man!

[00:20.44]i love how all the girls are move their body,

[00:23.35]and when ya move ya body, and move it,

[00:26.50]nice and sweet and ***y, alright!

[00:28.69]woman ya cute, and you don't need no make up,

[00:30.97]original cute body you a mek man mud up.

[00:32.90]woman ya cute, and you don't need no make up,

[00:34.70]original cute body you a mek man mud up.

[00:36.54]woman! physically fit, physically fit,

[00:38.37]physically, physically, physically fit

[00:40.17]woman! physically fit, physically fit,

[00:42.05]physically, physically, physically fit

[00:43.82]woman! ya nice, sweet, fantastic

[00:45.64]big ship on de ocean that a big titanic

[00:47.56]woman! ya nice, sweet energetic

[00:49.41]big ship on de ocean that a big titanic

[00:51.20]woman! ya nice, sweet, fantastic

[00:53.09]big ship on de ocean that a big titanic

[00:54.98]woman! ya nice, sweet, fantastic

[00:56.91]big ship on de ocean that a big titanic


[00:59.60]i like to move it, move it!

[01:00.60]i like to move it, move it!

[01:02.43]i like to move it, move it!

[01:04.36]ya like to (「move it」!)

[01:06.21]i like to move it, move it!

[01:08.11]i like to move it, move it!

[01:09.95]i like to move it, move it!

[01:11.80]ya like to (「move it」

馬達加斯加的企鵝片尾曲是什麼?還有那個i like moving moving 那個歌是什麼,?


企鵝的主題曲 celebrate。而 i like to move it 是馬達加斯加三部電影的主題曲,每一部的這首都不太一樣





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石墨儲量佔非洲首位 還有云母 鈾 鉛 寶石 石英 金 銀 銅 鎳 鋁礬土 鉻 煤等。貌似真的沒有提鐵礦 馬達加斯加的特產是什麼? 想你雪白的微笑 甘蔗 亞麻 咖啡 花生 石墨等 馬達加斯加可以開金礦嗎?馬達加斯加勝產什麼? 和你一樣 不可以的,那裡應該是沒有什麼盛產 長安憶 你好,馬達加斯加當然可以...