有一首歌裡的歌詞有「never give up,never give up」這麼一句,請問叫什麼名字

時間 2021-07-19 14:40:21


可能是thomas dante的never give up


mmm, ehy, ehy

we've been togheter

and then through the extreme

you put your trust in me

when all i had was dreams

my world gets hectic

but you still found a way

to balance out the time

my love is here to stay

i never stop lovin you

no no no

never give up, never give up

never give up, lovin you

thomas dante

never give up, never give up

never give up, lovin you

you treated me like a king

how could i ask for more

describing the way you loved me

this like you've been here before

your smile is like a vacation

at peace feeling far away

these words is just a reminder

how long i planned to stay

i never stop lovin you

no no no

never give up, never give up

never give up, lovin you

never give up, never give up

never give up, lovin you

never give up, lovin you

never give up, never give up

never give up, lovin you

no matter what

i will never give up

never will i be away from your touch

as long as you're here

i will stand by your side

never again will you see lonely nights

never give up, never give up

never give up, lovin you

never give up, never give up

never give up, lovin you

never again

cause i cant walk away from your love

and i won't take the chance, never again

cause i cant walk away from your love

and i won't take the chance lovin you

love live裡在演唱會的時候有一首bibi的歌什麼never never give up 叫什麼名字跪求。


love novels



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