
時間 2022-02-05 06:20:13


livin' on a prayer-----bon jovi

livin' on a prayer

bon jovi

once upon a time

not so long ago

tommy used to work on the docks

union's been on strike

he's down on his luck...it's tough, so tough

gina works the diner all day

working for her man, she brings home her pay

for love - for love

she says: we've got to hold on to what we've got

'cause it doesn't make a difference

if we make it or not

we've got each other and that's a lot

for love - we'll give it a shot

we're half way there

livin' on a prayer

take my hand and we'll make it - i swear

livin' on a prayer

tommy got his six string in hock

now he's holding in what he used

to make it talk - so tough, it's tough

gina dreams of running away

when she cries in the night

tommy whispers: baby it's okay, someday

we've got to hold on to what we've got

'cause it doesn't make a difference

if we make it or not

we've got each other and that's a lot

for love - we'll give it a shot

we're half way there

livin' on a prayer

take my hand and we'll make it - i swear

livin' on a prayer

we've got to hold on ready or not

you live for the fight when it's all that you've got

we're half way there

livin' on a prayer

take my hand and we'll make it - i swear

livin' on a prayer

we're half way there

livin' on a prayer

take my hand and we'll make it - i swear

livin' on a prayer

we're half way there

livin' on a prayer

take my hand and we'll make it - i swear

livin' on a prayer


livin' on a prayer-----bon jovi


來自太陽島漂亮的龐統 東來東往 唱情歌的人 詞 卿明月 曲 冀興強 愛到盡頭 覆水難收 誰讓我歡喜讓我憂 前塵往事 雲煙般流走 吻別在無人的街頭 愛我的人 我愛的人 誰還在為愛繼續等 夜已深 留一盞孤燈 別在夜裡數傷痕 唱情歌的人 別唱的那麼認真 別唱得多情人都丟了魂 一句離別劃過了悲傷的黃昏 只留...


這是歌詞。彩雲之南我心的方向 孔雀飛去回憶悠長 玉龍雪山閃耀著銀光 秀色麗江人在路上 彩雲之南歸去的地方 往事芬芳隨風飄揚 蝴蝶泉邊歌聲在流淌 瀘沽湖畔心仍盪漾 記得那時那裡的天多湛藍 你的眼裡閃著溫柔的陽光 這世界變幻無常如今你又在何方 原諒我無法陪你走那麼長 別人的天堂不是我們的遠方 不虛此行別...


博哥信鴿小課堂 薩爾組合 七彩明花 大神求歌名 求助大神,我爸剛弄死他,這是什麼歌?謝謝 痞仔紳仕 she 我愛你 我愛你 s.h.e encore 曲 geoman villalon from sweetbox 詞 姚若龍 從你眼睛看著自己最幸福的倒影 握在手心的默契是明天的指引 無論是遠近什麼世...