
時間 2021-10-14 18:57:11


recently,lily is busy with her sudy.but

she also spare time to take exercise.she goes to gymnasium to play tennis,because she thinks the physical exercise can make her strong,at the same time,it can help her relax.


lily recent study very busy .however, she take the time to exercise.stadium over the weekend to play tennis.

physical activity made her strong.at the same time help her to relax


lily has to study hard recently,but she still has somee time to take exercise.she always plays tennis in the gym,because taking exersise makes herself strong,and she can relax herself during the sporsts.


士芮安 答案acd b你的身體很特別,世界上沒有兩個人的身體一模一樣,雖然你和他人不一樣,但你和周圍所有人一樣擁有相同的器官,為了生活做著不同的工作而勞碌著。我腦袋裡裝著什麼?你的腦袋裝著身體最重要的部分 大腦。當你閱讀時,你的眼睛將所看到的影像傳送到大腦,大腦再理解並告訴你眼睛看到了什麼。大腦幫助...

誰幫我寫一下寫讀後感400快,誰幫我寫一下寫讀後感 400 500字 快!

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