急!求英語作文 題目為how to protect ours

時間 2021-06-05 01:46:04




how to protect ourselves英語作文


no matter who you are , what you do , safe is the most important , for students , their parents care their safety most , when we across the road , we need to watch out of the traffic light , and also watch our of the cars around . do not go to remote place alone . and , do not go out at night by oneself .

do not talk to strangers .don't accept things from strangers .

make a kite為作文題目寫英語作文

spring,the weather became warmer,many people to fly a kite on the square.linda also want to play,my mother said diy more meaningful.so they bought a b...


燈有一種淡淡的味道叫幸福。我的鼻間所環繞的味道,是媽媽的髮香。媽媽是愛我的。連同我的家。曾有人說 家就是有一個人在漆黑的夜裡點著燈在等你。而媽媽就是那個點燈的人。黑夜將最後一縷夕陽抹盡,夜幕籠罩。剎那間,天空蹦出了幾顆調皮的星星。我被包裹的那一刻,一縷燈光指引了我回家的路。透過玻璃窗,我隱隱嗅到了媽...


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