英語翻譯 很難,不要用翻譯工具

時間 2022-04-05 12:05:17


if language habits don't represent social class, social strata formation as "noble" and "the civilians' 'as a thing of the past .......最佳答案


if the codes of language do not represent social hierarchy, its formation shall fade into history just like "aristocrat" and "peasant".


if the language habits can't represent the social class, the formation of the social class will become past as "aristocracy" and "civilian".


if the language is used to not to represent social rank, the formation of social stratum is like "nobility'' and" civilian''so become pass by

英語翻譯 不要用機器翻譯

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求英語翻譯(不要用翻譯器來翻譯,急求英語翻譯!!! 面試時用。 不要用翻譯器。謝謝!

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