
時間 2021-08-30 10:29:12


- -! 五十分太少,十幾道題,太虧了,不做- -!




- -! 五十分太多,十幾道題,太賺了,我做- -!


1. 在文字框text1中輸入一串字元,統計其中字母(不區分大小寫),數字和其他字元的個數。

dim i as integer, a as integer, b as integer, str as string

if text1.text <> "" then

str = ucase(text1.text)

for i = 1 to len(str)

select case asc(mid(str, i, 1))

case 65 to 90

a = a + 1

case 48 to 57, 60 to 69

b = b + 1

end select

next i

print "letter:" & a & vbcrlf & "numeral:" & b

end if

2. 輸入一個整數,判斷該數是否是素數。

dim i as integer, n as string

if text1.text <> "" then

n= text1.text

for i = 2 to int(sqr(n))

if n mod i = 0 then

print "不是"

exit sub

end if

next i

print "是"

end if

3. 隨機產生20個200~400之間的隨機整數,按每行4個輸出到picture中,並求出其中的最大值。

dim i as integer, ii as integer, myvalue as integer, maxvalue as integer, str as string


for i = 0 to 4

for ii = 0 to 3

myvalue = int(((2 * rnd) + 2) * 100)

str = str & myvalue & " "

if maxvalue < myvalue then maxvalue = myvalue


picture1.print rtrim(str) & vbcrlf

str = ""

next i

picture1.print "max:" & maxvalue

4. 隨機產生10個數存入陣列中,用選擇排序法對其從小到大的順序排序。

dim a(9) as integer, i as integer, j as integer, str as string


for i = 0 to 9

a(i) = 1 + rnd * 1000

str = str & " " & (a(i))


print "原值:" & str

dim min, temp as integer

for i = 0 to 8

min = a(i)

for j = i + 1 to 9

if min > a(j) then

temp = a(j)

a(j) = min

min = temp

end if


a(i) = min


str = "排序:"

for i = 0 to 9

str = str & " " & a(i)


print str


dim a as string, n as integer, i as integer

if text1.text <> "" then

a = text1.text

n = len(a)

for i = 1 to n

if mid(a, i, 1) <> mid(a, n - i + 1, 1) then exit for

next i

if i = n + 1 then

print "是迴文數"


print "不是迴文數"

end if

end if

6. 輸入一個整數,判斷該數是否是水仙花數

dim a as integer, b as integer, c as integer

if len(text1.text) = 3 then

a = (val(text1.text) \ 100) mod 10

b = (val(text1.text) \ 10) mod 10

c = val(text1.text) mod 10

if a ^ 3 + b ^ 3 + c ^ 3 = a * 100 + b * 10 + c then

print "是水仙花數"


print "不是水仙花數"

end if

end if

7. 分別輸入年份以及月份,輸出該月所對應的天數(注意閏年問題)。

dim a as date, b as date

a = dateserial(val(text1.text), val(text2.text), 1)

b = dateserial(val(text1.text), val(text2.text) + 1, 1)

print a & "年"; b & "月 共有:" & datediff("d", a, b) & "天"


dim erronum as integer

private sub cmdok_click()

if txtpassword.text = "abcdefg" then

msgbox "祝賀你,成功登入!", , "登入"


erronum = erronum + 1

msgbox "對不起,密碼錯誤,無法登入!", , "登入"

if erronum = 3 then end

end if

end sub

9.求任意正整數 n 的階乘。(n!=1*2*3*……*n)

dim n as integer, m as double

n = inputbox("please input n:")

m = 1

for i = 1 to n

m = m * i

next i

print m


n = 7

redim a(1 to n, 1 to n)

clsfor i = 1 to n

a(i, 1) = 1

a(i, i) = 1

next i

for i = 3 to n

for j = 2 to i - 1

a(i, j) = a(i - 1, j) + a(i - 1, j - 1)

next j, i

for i = 1 to n

print tab(30 - 2 * i);

for j = 1 to i

print space(4 - len(trim(str(a(i, j))))); trim(str(a(i, j)));

next j

next i


dim i as integer, j as integer, k as integer, sum as double

j = 1

for i = 0 to 12

sum = j + k

j = k

k = sum

print i & " " & sum

next i


dim i as integer, n as integer, j as integer, str as string, m as string

if text1.text <> "" then

str = ucase(text1.text)

for i = vbkeya to vbkeyz

m = chr(i)

j = 0

n = 1

do while n <= len(str)

n = instr(n, str, m)

if n > 0 then

j = j + 1


exit do

end if

n = n + 1


if j > 0 then print m & ":" & j

next i

end if


第七題option explicit

private sub command1_click()dim year%,month%,day%year=val(text1.text)

month=val(text2.text)if isnumeric(year) thendoevents


msgbox("it's not a right number")exit sub

end if

if isnumeric(month) and (month>1 and month<12) then



msgbox("it's not a right number")exit sub

end if

select case month

case 1,3,5,7,8,10,12

msgbox("number of day:31" )case 4,6,9,11

msgbox("number of day:30" )case 2

if (year mod 4=0 and year mod 100<>0) or (year mod 100=0 and year mod 400=0) then

msgbox ("number of day:29" )else

msgbox("number of day:28" )end if

end select

end sub


1.新建工程 工程1 2.新建一下combobox控制元件 combo1,並將屬性style改為2 3.新建五個label label1,label2,label3,label4,label5 4.新建兩個text文字框 text1,text2 5.新建一個commandbutton按鈕 comma...


private sub command1 click max val val text2.text val val val text5.text val val val text8.text val val min val val text2.text val val val text5.text ...

vb程式設計設計題 紅綠燈,VB程式設計設計題 紅綠燈

如圖在窗體上新增 1 四個shape控制元件,作為燈框 紅燈 黃燈 綠燈,分別命名為 lampbox redlamp yellowlamp greenlamp 2 一個命令按鈕,命名為 cmdrun,標題為 啟動 3 三個文字框控制元件,來設定紅燈 黃燈 綠燈亮的時間 秒 分別命名為 txtredt...