
時間 2021-05-13 08:04:52


i will always be there,calming, whether you come to see me or not.

my heart will always be there, hanging, whether you miss me or not.

my love will always be there,waiting,whether you love me or not.

my hands will always be in yours, holding,whether you come with me or not.

be in my arms,or let me into your heart.

fall in love with me now and forever

自己翻譯的 呵呵 見笑了


you see, or see me

i was there

don't like sad

you read, or do i

affection is there

don't come not to go

do you love me or notlove is there

no more

you tell me with, or

my hand in your hand

not abandon

to my bosom

orlet me live in your heartlove rest

silence like。




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