
時間 2023-04-12 21:35:12


翻譯是:i firmly believe that when there is a big gap between dream and reality, only efforts can make the reality closer to the dream.

句子解釋:firmly 英[ˈfɜ:mli] 美[ˈfɜ:rmli]

adv. 堅定地; 堅決地; 堅固地; 穩固地;

[例句]i myself will firmly carry out this plan.


reality 英[riˈæləti] 美[riˈælɪti]

n. 事實; 現實,現實性; 真實情況,實際情形; 實體,實在;

[例句]fiction and reality were increasingly blurred.


dream 英[dri:m] 美[drim]

vi. 夢想; 做夢; 夢見; 想到;

vt. 做夢,嚮往;

vt. 夢想; 做夢; 想到;

[例句]he had a dream about claire.



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