
時間 2021-06-30 23:39:08


1 +1 =?

one day, the teacher asked xiao 1 +1 = few, he did not know, "go and ask the family." teacher said. xiao home mother asked, "1 +1 =?

" mother impatient and said: "you ani out !!!!!!!!!" xiao also ask dad, dad is shown, just a ball into a" cool !!!!

" he also ask my brother, my brother is love, right girlfriend on the phone said: "i wait for you downstairs." the next day, the teacher asked xiao:

"1 +1 = few?" he said: "you ani out !!!!!!!!!

" the teacher beat him a slap in the face. he said: "shuang !!!!!!!!!!

" teacher said:" you ani out !!!!!!!!!!!" xiao said:

"i wait for you downstairs! ! ! "




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