誰可以幫我把這短話翻譯成英文非常感謝 本次設計為110kV變電站初步設計,共分為任務書 計算書 說明書三

時間 2022-09-03 20:55:11


this preliminary design for 110kv substations contains three parts of tor(terms of reference),calculation sheet and instructions.



the design of the preliminary design for the 110kv substation, the book is divided into tasks, calculations, specifications 3


it's the preliminary design for 110kv substation, and the design is composed of task, calculation and instructions.


this design for 110 kv substations preliminary design, is divided into three commitments, calculations, instruction


1 1 one day,the teacher asked xiao 1 1 few,he did not know,go and ask the family.teacher said.xiao home mother asked,1 1 mother impatient and said you...

幫我把這段翻譯成英文,誰能幫我把這段翻譯成英文,感激不盡 活著

your mom got me kung fu is very good,very comfortable on the bed.your mother is very good in bed,and i am very comfortable to serve.哈哈哈,sixsixsix 誰能幫我...


回答和翻譯如下 江蘇省棲霞區仙林街道文苑路三號南京財經大學 仙林校區 10號宿管站。jiangsu xianlin area qixia province street yuen road no.three nanjing university of finances and economics x...