
時間 2021-07-23 06:33:54


1. i need a new backpack. my sister needs some toys.

2. i need you to help me with my homework. sarah needs her father to help her.

3. i often help with cooking. she often helps with cooking.

4. my uncle helps me with swimming. can you help me with english?

5. i am free this weekend. is your siter free today?

6. we are very busy at school. my mother is very busy cooking dinner.

7. they are good with kids. mr li is very good with us, so we love him very much.


1.he needs a companion.

2.he needs you to help him.

3.this book must help with your english. 4.

his guidance helped us with getting out of the city.

5.the service is free.

6.the professor was busy.

7.it is really good to be with him.


巧手成媽媽 1.roared是動詞roar的過去式,在句中做謂語。past是介詞,意思是 經過 通過 2.pass是動詞,既有 經過 通過 之意,也有 傳遞 之意,在句中一般充當謂語。如 i passed the exam.please pass me the book.past可做名詞 形容詞 介...


o谷昔 1.第一次來到服裝店裡,親切的阿姨為我量體裁衣,我好奇地左看看右瞧瞧。2.這種結論,不是甲乙丙丁的現象羅列,也不是誇誇其談的濫調文章,而是科學的結論。3.他坐在辦公室裡,自以為得計地說 我倒要看看他到底有多大的本事!4.項王雖然勇猛善戰,但是卻不知道如何用人,因此一些賢臣良將雖然在他手下,可...


1.毫無疑問,在學校的第一年至關重要,如果第一年過的順利,那麼接下來的第二年第三年也能夠相應的很順利。click可以表示取得成功,博得好評,多用於口語 2.儘管辛克萊明白對於新生而言,花些時間考察考察附近的周邊的環境很要必要,但是他還是建議學生們不要為此浪費過多的時間。3.學生們總會捲入各種各樣的事...