
時間 2021-10-14 22:47:32


modest and courteous as the disciple is pious , steadfast and persevering as the hermit controls self , keeping silent as the prophet is solemn , prudence as the sage is clear about

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apostle-like humility and piety, hermit-like tenacity, upright, and the prophet's silence as solemn as a prudent wise discernment


有兩種:apostle-like humility and piety, hermit-like tenacity, upright, and the prophet's silence as solemn as a prudent wise discernment

modest and courteous as the disciple is pious , steadfast and persevering as the hermit controls self , keeping silent as the prophet is solemn , prudence as the sage is clear about


the apostle courteous reverent, the recluse endures self-contained, prophet's silence to be dignified, the wise prudent clearly distinguishes


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誰能幫我翻譯 誰能幫我翻譯下。

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