
時間 2022-03-05 07:25:29


1 從最開始起,他就知道自己做錯了.(right from the start)

right fron the start, he knew he was doing something wrong.

2 這座大橋是去年修建的,耗資10萬元。(at a cost of)

this bridge was bulit last year. it was at a cost of 100000 yuan.


by the time tomorrow, i will be working in my office.

4 他告訴了我許多關於埃及的事情。(a great deal )

he told me a great deal of things about egypt .



1. right from thre start, he knew he had done wrong.

2. this bridge was built last year, which cost one hundred thousand rmb.

3. i will be working at office this time tomorrow.

4. he told me a great deal of egypt.



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