matlab用最小二乘法求一形如y t at b (a和b為待定係數)的多項式,使之與下列資料相擬合

時間 2021-09-07 05:17:17


1.使用非線性最小二乘擬合函式lsqcurvefit擬合t=[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8];

y=[4.00 6.40 8.00 8.80 9.22 9.50 9.70 9.68];


x0=[0.1 0.1];


b =0.0811    0.1468

即a=0.0811  b=0.1468



hold on


legend('original data','fitted curve ')


first, write a file to return the value of f (f has n components).function f = myfun(x,xdata)

f = x(1)*exp(x(2)*xdata);next, invoke an optimization routine:% assume you determined xdata and ydata experimentally

xdata = ...

[0.9 1.5 13.8 19.8 24.1 28.2 35.2 60.3 74.6 81.3];

ydata = ...

[455.2 428.6 124.1 67.3 43.2 28.1 13.1 -0.4 -1.3 -1.5];

x0 = [100; -1] % starting guess

[x,resnorm] = lsqcurvefit(@myfun,x0,xdata,ydata);at the time that lsqcurvefit is called, xdata and ydata are

assumed to exist and are vectors of the same size. they must be the

same size because the value f returned by fun must

be the same size as ydata.

快考試了,大神快來啊!用最小二乘法求一個形如y=ax+b的經驗公式使他擬合下列資料 xi=2 5


y = 6.55x-12.5        擬合方程


x 1.52 3.03 3.27 4.2 0.93 4.2 3.27 3.03 1.52 y 0.8 2.1 4.6 7.1 8.4 7.1 4.6 2.1 0.8 z 2.16 2.4 2.69 3.82 3.02 2.68 2.5 2.48 2.31 a x y ones size x a a ...


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EVIEWS做最小二乘法怎麼做 高人指點,急 急 急

我怎麼記得和樓上有點差別 難道不是直接 ls y c x y的位置放因變數,x位置放解釋變數,要是有截距項就寫著c,沒有就去了我說的是eview5 在命令視窗下輸入 ls y c 1 c 2 x按回車 本幻須穎初 ls命令也可以估計大部分非線性模型。請問eviews做出最小二乘法的結果,這個圖怎麼看...