
時間 2021-10-27 20:57:10


the more system temperature difference is . the more the turn-on time will be in a cycle ;the less the temperature difference is. the less the turn-on time will be in a cycle ;if the temperature difference is 0, the heater wire will be out of work


system's temperature difference is bigger, in one cycle's breakover time is bigger, the temperature difference is smaller, in one cycle's breakover time is smaller, the temperature difference is zero, the heating wire does not work.


the bigger the gap of temperature in the system, the longer the conduction cycle will be. on the contrary, the shorter the gap, the shorter the conduction cycle. if the gap is zero, the heating wire will stop working.


system of temperature difference is bigger, a cycle, the greater the conduction time temperature smaller, a cycle the smaller conduction time, temperature, heating wire for zero don't work.


the greater the system temperature difference is , the longer the cycle-time is, the temperature difference is shorter. if the cycle-time is smaller and temperature difference becomes zero, the electric wire does not work.


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