
時間 2022-07-21 14:05:29


we discovered merely had 15 brands to pass our strict test, in these15 brands, we carried on them the place, and recommended top5 toeverybody.



our detection had 15 brands to pass our strict test only, in 15 brands, we carry on them to rank, and recommend the top5 to everyone here.


原句是這樣的 serve your dinner restaurant style food on the plates rather than family style food served in bowls and on platters on the table when your plat...

請問這句話怎麼翻譯, 英語 請問這句話怎麼翻譯?

他死於他最喜歡做的工作,滿懷幸福 平靜的思想離開了這個世界,他會說 遵守鱷魚規則 crocs rule真不知道該怎麼譯,但是我同意樓上的crocs是鱷魚,steve irwin雖然名為crocodile hunter,不過他沒有獵殺過鱷魚。他很所做的都是為了保護動物。所以我認為他的 crocs ru...

這句話不加逗號的話怎麼翻譯, 英語 翻譯 這句話的逗號是不是可加可不加?

1全部這場持續了整整4個月的比賽,是這類比賽的最後一場。這是定語從句,which went on for exactly four months 作為this race的定語,這個你應該懂,我就不囉嗦了。不加逗號叫非限定性定語從句,其實和加了逗號的意思一樣,但是假如在從句前又逗號,那引導詞就不能用t...